Non-Public Services
Non-Public School Services
Non-Public Services
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The Commission provides support and programs to enhance student learning in the non-public school
setting through funding under Chapters 192/193, Chapter 226 and IDEIA.
Chapter 192
Compensatory education (reading, writing, math)
English as a second language
Home instruction
Chapter 193 (Special Education Services)
Evaluation and determination of eligibility services
Speech evaluations
Speech services for articulation, fluency, language and vocal disorders
Supplemental instruction
IDEIA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act)
Accesses revenues for related services and/or supplies to students eligible for special
education through federal funding
Additional pullout speech and supplementary services
In-class supplementary services
Occupational and physical therapies
Chapter 226 (Nursing Service)
Maintenance of student health records
Assistance with medical screenings (dental, hearing, scoliosis)
Emergency care to students who are ill or injured when the nurse is on duty
Additional contracted services/supplies as permitted by code
Non-Public Office:
Andrea Romano - Superintendent - (973) 579-6980 Ext: 102 -
Kathleen Fugaro - Administrative Assistant - (973) 579-6980 Ext: 110 -
Kathleen Grennan - LDTC - (973) 579-6980 Ext: 124 -
Dawn DiLascio - Social Worker - (973) 579-6980 Ext: 122 -