Click to read each article
Local News Articles:
NJ Herald Introduction August 2019
NJ Herald PS Newton Works Through COVID
What's the Difference between SLE and Project Search?
Program Calendar (follows SCESC)
Newton Medical Center Highlights:
National Program Highlights
Project SEARCH National:
UPMC Mercy - 10 years later
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Intro
Jersey Matters - Overlook Hospital
Colorado PS Grad is Essential Worker
“Project Search is important to us because we get intensive job training, we are learning new skills that are helping us build self-confidence. We truly feel like part of the Atlantic Health Community. Before Project Search some of us found it difficult to wake up for school each day. Being part of Newton Medical Center, we know that our team relies on us and so our attendance is important. Project Search has also helped us build a work-life balance. We are feeling ambitious and excited to learn what our next rotation will be.”
-Project SEARCH -NMC Class of 2020

To set up a tour or for more information contact:
John O'Hara
Supervisor of SLE/Project SEARCH
Sussex County Educational
Services Commission
Cell: 973-222-1671